
Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Christmas Food Porn - Mulled Wine

Last weekend we had a few friends around to kickstart the Christmas feeling with food, merryness and decorations. 

While us ladies decorated the tree and nattered on the sofa, the men were busy creating a feast of a Christmas Roast with enough food and yummyness to feed the block. Eventually the smell of cooking tempted us to join them and through a team effort (most cooking credits to the head chef, Mr D) we had ourselves quite an epic little dinner party.

After some post-food sofa lounging (including a lot of snoozing, the best part of the home made meal; rolling onto a cosy sofa nap), A and I headed into the kitchen to have a go at making some mulled wine with the dessert (lactose-free crumble curtesy of masterchef K). 

Being Swedish I had of course popped by Scandinavian Kitchen (10 minutes walk from Oxford Circus if you're London based) for supplies. Stocked up on Lussekatter and Annas Pepparkakor, and found these goodies. 

What you'll need

A bottle or two of Red Wine (the cheap stuff works fine here)
1x bag of Annika's Glögg spices
(or Cinnamon, Dried Ginger, dried Orange peel, green Cardamom pods & cloves)
80g Sugar

Pour the wine into a pot, along with your sugar and the spices. 

Heat it up to just before boiling (we don't want to see any bubbles) and let the sugar mingle in nicely. Stir.

Keep it on for a good while (we left it on heat for about 15/20 minutes) and preferable then leave it on the side for an hour or so before re-heating slightly. 

(During this time entertain yourself with silly ness and dancing around the kitchen floor.)

As we went for the quick turn-around we skipped the cooling period (oops). 

Add some almonds and raisins in your glasses, and pour in the wine. 

If you fancy a bit of a kick, add a bit of aquavit or snaps in there as well. 

Voila. Then enjoy your friends' dessert magic and put on a cosy Christmas movie. All set!

